Mindfulness Courses

Rewire your brain to bring more focus, calm, compassion, and joy into your life with one of our 6-8 week classes. We offer mindfulness classes to specific populations such as those with anxiety or depression, mental health professionals, parents, and girls ages 9-15 with a parent.

Groups and Other Courses

Gain support, connection, and accountability in one of our therapy groups for teens and adults with Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) like skin picking or hair pulling.

Child and Adolescent Therapy

We help restore the peace in your family by helping you and your child gain the skills you need to cope with anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, trauma, BFRBs, or whatever difficulties you are facing.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Our therapists are trained in this evidence-based approach to treat anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, eating disorders, trauma, BFRBs and more.


All of our services are currently offered with a telehealth option. These sessions are held online via a HIPAA-compliant web platform so that you can start or continue your treatment from the comfort and safety of your home. We also offer in-person options.

Medication Management

Our psychiatrist and psychiatric nurse practitioners work with our therapists to conduct psychiatric evaluations and medication management so that you or your child can return to optimal functioning ASAP.

Psychological Evaluation & Testing

We provide Psychoeducational and ADHD evaluations for individuals ages 6-25. We also conduct forensic evaluations to assist attorneys in better understanding the psychological factors that impact their clients.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is exercise for the brain. When practiced regularly, by meditating or simply redirecting your attention back to the present moment using one of your five senses, your brain chemistry will actually change causing you to feel more calm, focused, happy, and able to manage any difficult thoughts and emotions that you experience.

Courses & Groups

Enrolling Now

Embracing Imperfections Through Kintsugi-Inspired Healing

A 4-week, in person group for adults who struggle with perfectionist tendencies and other anxiety-related issues.
Starts may 7

Meet our

Featured Provider


Becca Muder

BA, MA, MSW in progress

Becca is an intern at the Center for Mindfulness and CBT and is currently a Clinical Master’s of Social Work student at Saint Louis University. Becca brings a client-centered and collaborative approach to her work and thrives on paying attention to the details that matter for each individually tailored plan of care. She firmly believes the most meaningful therapeutic alliances involve honesty, a sense of humor, and a shared dedication to the work. She is committed to empowering her clients to recognize and embody their strengths, practice mindfulness and self-compassion, and learn new ways to heal, grow, and flourish. She is open to working with children, adolescents, and adults.
"My child is having suicidal thoughts."
"My child is having trouble focusing in school."
"I’m struggling with anxiety, inattentiveness, and loss of motivation at work."
"My child is always nervous and worried."
I can’t deal with my anxiety and depression on my own."
"I want to learn how to incorporate mindfulness into my life."
"I’m having panic attacks."
"I think I might have OCD."
"I compulsively pick my skin."
"My child is struggling with self-esteem and issues with peers."
"I’m stressed about COVID and the lack of human interaction."
"My doctor told me to get CBT but I don’t know what this is. "
"My teen doesn’t seem like herself lately."
"My child is angry and depressed."
"My child is feeling lonely and isn’t interested in school."
"I’ve experienced trauma in my past and it’s now affecting my life."
"I’ve been feeling anxious and depressed and don’t know where to start."

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